Tuesday, 27th October, 2020
Dear Valued Client.
If you have been experiencing difficulties with regards to your account, FNB has advised that they are currently having issues with the migration of their new platform and will be attending to all duplicate transactions that may have occurred to your account.
Please note attached and communication below -:
“We are aware of the issues faced where selected card transactions have been duplicated on the cardholders account with a subsequent over settlement to your nominated bank account.
Unfortunately we have experienced some technical challenges with the introduction of our new platform, whereby the system has processed both the authorization message and the settlement message as independent transactions if they are not immediately received as concurrent transactions. Any delay in the settlement message has meant the system was unable to match the authorization and the settlement messages, and therefore the resultant duplication.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to both yourselves and your customers while we reverse the duplicate transactions and work on a formal system fix that will be implemented by the end of October. A full reconciliation list of transactions reversed will be made available to assist you in reconciling your accounts.
Kind Regards,
FNB Merchant Services”